Monday, September 12, 2011

We survived the first month!

Hello all! Jasper is one month old and cute as ever. Our check-up went great today. He now weighs 10 lbs., 3 oz. and he's 22 and 1/4 inches long. His head is 15 and 1/2 inches in circumference. Yes, that's big, but it just means he has A LOT of brains!

We can't believe how much sleep we've been getting. He's a great baby, usually only crying when he's hungry, wet, sleepy or gassy. However, lately, he's been VERY gassy. Like father, like son, HAHA!!! (Jeremy is gonna love this post.) All jokes aside, we have a wonderful, and perfect little baby and we couldn't be more happy. And Daddy couldn't be more proud. Jeremy loves entertaining Jasper, talking to him, singing to him... The only song we know all the words to is "Hey Fightin' Tigers," so Jasper will know that one before he even starts crawling I'm sure. When he's fussy, we literally sing it OVER and OVER and OVER...

We kept very busy this past month during my maternity leave, visiting plenty of family and friends. Jasper went on his first road trip to Dallas to visit our good friends, the Eggert's. Because the LSU game was in Dallas that weekend, we also visited some Tigerband friends, which is always a good time. Anyway, we stayed with Martin, Kathryn, Audrey, Hammond and Oliver (the dogs) for the long Labor Day weekend, and Jasper made fast friends with their daughter, Audrey. If Audrey ever moves down to NOLA, it will be to marry Jasper. Yup, Kathryn and I are ALREADY planning the wedding.

Mom and I took Jasper to work the other day to visit my coworkers. Patti-Rae bought him A TON of LSU stuff: onesies, books, a frame, even little LSU sneakers. SO CUTE!! Jeremy already read one of the books to Jasper. He can't wait to take Jasper to his first LSU game! And aren't those the cutest freaking shoes you've ever seen!?!

This past weekend, we took a cruise ride on the Natchez. I'm sure that if Jasper would have opened his eyes even once, he would have loved the ride. Good thing babies ride for free.

Thanks to everyone for all of the adorable baby clothes. I'm pretty sure we won't need to buy him any more outfits until he's 21. Just kidding, more like 2. Oh, and we took newborn pictures a couple of weeks ago. We're just waiting for the photographer to send them to us. As soon as we have them, we'll be sure to share our favorites. Until then, here's the one "teaser" she sent me. Hope you're all having a great week! OMG, I can't believe we're parents...