Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jasper's Christening

**Jeremy informed me that I was wrong about the percentile stuff in my last post, so if you want to check out his edits, feel free! Now back to the christening...

What a wonderful day! Despite the accident on I-10 that slowed down all of our Kenner, Luling and Destrehan friends, Jasper's christening was a beautiful and fun experience. Deacon Capaci was a hit with the family too! Unfortunately, Jasper cried 90% of the time. I think he was upset about having to wear a dress, especially on gameday. We thought about putting on his LSU sneakers under the dress, but ultimately decided against it. The ceremony was very sweet and the deacon made it both special and memorable. He had us all laughing on several occasions. Thanks to all who came out and to those that couldn't make it, we missed you but we know you're thinking of us! Here are some pictures from the day...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Two Months and Too Cute!

Hello all! We’ve made it to month two and Jasper is doing great! He’s a whopping 12 lbs., 9 oz and he’s grown 1 ¾ inches since last month, which makes him 24 inches long. Jeremy took the time to chart his growth to see what percentiles he’s in. I think I’m starting to understand it, so here goes with our findings… First, for those of you that don’t know, percentile tells how your child measures up against other children (based on the World Health Organization data) in height, weight, and head size. As I mentioned, Jasper is 12 lbs, 9 oz, which means that he weighs more than 50-75% of babies. At 24 inches long, he’s taller than 85-95% of babies. Finally, his head’s circumference is 16 in., which means that his head is larger than 90% of babies his age. I hope this makes sense. This took me a while to grasp for some reason… So for those of us that would like to just know the basics: he’s a little bigger and a good bit taller than most babies his age. And his head is larger than those of most babies his age. Another interesting (and kind of disturbing) fact about the circumference… Jasper’s head was 14 ¼ in. in circumference when he was born, meaning his head was larger than 90% of newborn babies. And if you know what happened with the epidural the day he was born, you’ll know what that means. OUCH!!

We’ve been adjusting very well to parenthood, mostly because Jasper is a super easy baby. He only cries when something’s wrong. He sleeps 6 ½ to 8 hours per night. He smiles and laughs a lot in the mornings, and even in the evenings too. We are SO LUCKY AND GRATEFUL! Oh, and he's even starting to talk, well, "baby" talk. But just the other day, he told me how wonderful, smart and good-looking I am! I swear that's what he said! Well, maybe not in those exact words...

His grandparents love spending time with him. Mrs. Joy won’t put him down and Mom pushes me out the way to get to him! His eyes are definitely going to be brown, like his daddy. In fact, he looks EXACTLY like his daddy. The nose, the lips, the smile… totally Jeremy. He has my big forehead and my pointy chin, but that’s about it. Oh and he has my dad’s skinny legs!

So far, Jasper has only peed on us a few times. It happens to Jeremy more than me, which is nice. In fact, just the other day, Jeremy went to work with a new scent… let’s call it, “Eau do PeePee.” Hopefully, no one noticed.

He’s getting better and better at holding up his head and just yesterday, we found him on his tummy in his crib… he rolled over all by himself! Wow, reread the last sentence I just typed. Can you believe this is what I talk about these days!? It’s amazing what babies do to new parents. It’s amazing how excited we are about him. I never knew someone could have such an effect on me so instantaneously.

We’ll be christening Jasper this weekend at St. Dominic Church in Lakeview and we’re really excited about it. Kira and Neil are Jasper’s godparents; he’s so lucky! He’ll be christened in the same gown that Jeremy was christened in. While looking for the gown, Mrs. Joy came across Jeremy’s baby outfits and toys. (Sorry Mrs. Joy, but) I went through the bag, got rid of the 80’s “short” shorts and ugly sweaters, and saved all the LSU clothes for Jasper. He’ll be going for that “vintage” look with the “old school” Mike the Tiger!

As always, thanks for reading and being involved in our lives. Our new family is doing very well and we appreciate all you do for us.