Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A few new firsts for Jasper

Well, HELLO! It's been a while! Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is having a great December, and "HOW BOUT DEM TIGAHS!?!"

Jasper celebrated his first Halloween by dressing up as a Sweet Potato flavored Hubig's Pie. In fact, the entire family dressed up, even Callie! Our neighborhood had a big block party on Halloween night and Jasper won his first costume contest. Only three months old and already a winner! As Jeremy would say, "That's my boy!" Grandpa, CeCe, Grammie, and even my good friend George (from work) all came over for Jasper's first Halloween, and it was a lot of fun.

Let's see, what else has been going on?... Since the Christening, LSU has defeated Auburn, Alabama, Western Kentucky, Ole Miss, Arkansas and Georgia. Jeremy and I were fortunate enough to get Carol and Debbie's tickets for the Western Kentucky game and the Munstereifels' tickets for the Arkansas game. Man, it is so much fun watching LSU win! Thanks to our families again for the tickets!

Granny, Carol and Debbie just got back from three (very long) weeks in Italy. Jasper missed them so much! We took pictures of him just about every day and sent them by text so that Granny could get her "Jasper fix." From what I understand, she basically confiscated Aunt Debbie's phone, showing off her grandson to everyone on the bus, along with complete strangers just walking by. Needless to say, she missed us a lot. I think that's the longest I've ever gone not talking to Mom. It was torture!

I started one of those exercise boot camps the first week of November. It's called Camp Sweat and it's owned by a girl that I went to high school with. I've lost about 7 lbs. so far, and about two inches in my waist. Once I can really see a difference, I'll have to put up some before and after pictures. Only 40 more lbs. to go! Ugh, just shoot me.

Jasper went to his first Poboy Festival. I have a new understanding of strollers. All those years, I'd get so mad at people with their stinking baby strollers as they'd come up behind me and hit me in the back of the ankles. I am now one of those people. I made Jeremy walk in front of the stroller as we forced our way thru the crowd, so that I didn't hit too many people. Instead, I managed to hit the back of Jeremy's ankles, only about 37 times. I'm sure he appreciated that. Have I mentioned that he's an AWESOME dad?!? Anyway, we have a friend that works on Oak St., so we spent about four hours just sitting on the front porch people watching. Jasper loved it. No poboys for Jasper this year, but next year, it's on!

We spent Turkey Day visiting with Grandpa and CeCe first, then Nanny and family in Mandeville, and finally Grammie and PawPaw, Justin, Ruth and Granny that night, at Morning Call. Jasper had some powdered sugar for the first time and he loved it. EVERYONE took turns holding Jasper throughout the day. Thank goodness he likes people, because we basically played "Pass the Baby" all day. On Sunday, we had a second Thanksgiving, with the Starr family at our house. I cooked and cooked and cooked, and fortunately, everything turned out pretty well! Well, I had to make two batches of pralines and I burned my finger, but at least a few pralines in the second batch came out good. It's all sugar anyway! I just licked up the whole first batch when they wouldn't harden. Yes, all of it. Don't judge! Anyway, it was a very nice day. Thanks to PawPaw for bringing the turkey and Granny for bringing the ham. Even Nanan and Uncle Timmy came in from Baton Rouge to be with us. We were so happy to visit with them!

Last weekend, Jeremy, Jasper and I met up with Nanny-Kira, Cindy, Peyton and Makenzie at Chapelle's Breakfast with Santa. Jasper took his first pictures with Santa. He didn't smile, but at least he didn't cry, which is more than I can say for Makenzie. I won't go into detail, but as you can see below, Santa is not Makenzie's favorite person. Either way, we love being with the Gervais/Mares group. They're always a good time!

And here we are, already into the second week of December. Jasper is going to be four months old on the 12th. I'll send updates of height and weight once we visit the doctor on the 14th. He is still sleeping really well, allowing Mom and Dad to get plenty rest. And he's such a happy baby. It's so easy to make him smile and laugh. We're really looking forward to celebrating his first Christmas with as many of you as possible. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year to all of you. We love you.