Friday, March 30, 2012

Let's catch up!

I know, I know, I've fallen behind on my blog updates, and I'm sure you're all desperately dying to know the details of our lives. Well the suspense is over!

Where do I begin? Let's back up a bit. First, I want to recognize the passing of my cousin, Rudy Munstereifel. Cousin Red passed away on February 18th, just before Mardi Gras. He was only 70 years old, but what a good legacy he's leaving behind. Talk about three wonderful kids, two adorable grand kids, and a true partner, Mary. I haven't kept in touch like I should, but I'm always thinking of you all. And I hope that time is making it a little easier to move forward.

Jasper went to see Daddy and PawPaw in Druids the Wednesday before Mardi Gras. This was officially his first parade, and he had a blast. Granny, Aunt Carol and Aunt Debbie made sure to keep him dry, (It was pouring!?!) while Dad and PawPaw threw him all kinds of good stuff! Aunt Aimee came with us and Uncle George met us out there too. Jasper wasn't the only one celebrating his first Mardi Gras parade...

We skipped out on Mardi Gras Weekend this year to enjoy a seven-day cruise with Mom, Carol, Debbie and a few other friends. It was Jasper and my first cruise. He made the age cut-off by only six days, so I'm pretty sure that he was the youngest passenger on board. The trip was beautiful, as we traveled to Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Jamaica. Jeremy and I swam with dolphins and climbed up the Dunn's River Falls, while Jasper shopped with the girls and had ice cream for the first time with Granny. Here are just a few pictures from the trip...

Somewhere between February and March, Jasper started sitting up on his own and he has perfected his "army crawl." I guess Jeremy and I will need to start vacuuming more, either that or just attach a swiffer on Jasper's belly. Anyway, he has fought off two ear infections in three weeks and what can I say? He's a champ. He is the love of our lives and I love coming home to him every day. Speaking of coming home, I've been spending more time "at home." Some of you know that I lost my job a few weeks ago. After requesting a transfer and being denied twice, I had a feeling that I wouldn't be there much longer. The good news is that I don't have to work for that guy ever again, and more importantly, I've been getting in some quality time with my pumpkin. If you're wondering I've already been on several interviews and I have a few prospects. Please keep your fingers and toes crossed that something works out for me. As always, thanks for the support.

Moving on to some happier conversation... Drea and Ella came by with some baby chickies last weekend. Here are a few pictures of cousins, Jasper and Ella playing outside with the chickies. I also attached Jasper's Easter photo. Enjoy!

Y'all have a great Easter. We love you.