Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jasper on the move in May!

Well, it's Memorial Day Weekend and we have no plans. At this moment, Daddy and Jasper are snoozing it up on the couch while I sit in my robe watching Criminal Minds reruns. Life is good. Speaking of life, it's time I catch you up on ours.

In my last update, I mentioned that I was job searching. I'm happy to report that my unemployment lasted a short three weeks. I started working at Sher Garner Law Firm the week of my birthday. I'm their HR Coordinator. The job involves much more than HR-type responsibilities and it keeps me super busy. The biggest perk of the job is that Jeremy is right across the street. We carpool every day and usually get lunch together on Fridays. Sweet!!!

Jasper is enjoying his new daycare. He's at Metairie Ridge Presbyterian on Codifer, super close to Dad's house. The ladies at daycare are always telling us how well-adjusted, happy and advanced he is. Ha, we say, tell us something we don't know!

Jasper is nine months and a few weeks old. On his last visit to Dr. Culbertson (in Mid-May), he weighed 20.5 lbs, putting him in the 50th percentile, and was 29 inches long, putting him in the 80-90th percentile. Looks like he's taking after the Brunken side when it comes to height! He has perfected speed-crawling and is pulling up on furniture all the time now. Still no teeth, but I'm sure they'll arrive soon. He babbles a lot, throwing in ma-ma, ba-ba, da-da, here and there. But we're not quite sure if he actually knows what he's saying. Now that he's crawling all over the place, he gets into everything he can get his hands on. There was mud on the stroller wheel. I caught him just as he was putting a bunch of mud in his mouth. I thought, Whew! Just in time! Then I realized he had already taken two or three other bites. His mouth was black. Just awesome.

Then there was the dishwasher incident. I left the dishwasher open for a few seconds, literally seconds! I walked back in the kitchen, and of all the utensils to choose from Jasper was waving around the steak knife. Double awesome.

Finally, Jasper has a strange obsession with Callie's dog food. We're trying to correct him whenever he goes to the bowl, but we're not very good at it. We say, "No!" He then turns and looks up, laughs in our faces and grabs another piece of Callie's food. It's not going well.

I've picked out some favorite pics from the last few months. Enjoy!

Jasper and Dad enjoying their long weekend together.

Jasper and Callie goofing off together.

Jasper is sporting Daddy's LSU t-shirt from when he was a baby. Also, thanks to Cici, Jasper now has his own remote to play with. Daddy is so grateful.
Jeremy and I at a friend's wedding in May.

Jasper cruisin' around the living room.

Jasper enjoying icing at Daddy's birthday celebration.

This is the look we got from Jasper as we sang to Jeremy.

Grandpa and Jasper. 

PawPaw babysitting Jasper.

Granny and Jasper at Easter.

Jasper with a mouthful of whipped cream at Lakeview Grocery.

Brad and WB with Granny and Jasper at Brandi's Graduation Party.

Playing around by the pool!

Grammie and Jasper just after bath time.

Jasper LOVES snoballs, just like Mom!

Just look at that face! Oh, the cuteness!!