Sunday, July 8, 2012

Jasper brings new meaning to the phrase, "INTO EVERYTHING."

Happy summer everyone! Hope everyone is staying cool during these hot summer months! Speaking of summer, it's flying by! Jasper will be one year old next month! With that said, we have a lot to catch up on!

Uncle George came in town in early June and it was his and Jasper's first visit to the aquarium. Jasper managed to stay awake almost the entire time while we toured the place. We especially all had fun feeding the parakeets.
We celebrated Father's Day last month. It was a very relaxing day... for Jeremy. I cooked and cleaned, and cleaned some more, and even changed all of the dirty diapers. (Jeremy did the same for me on Mother's Day, so it was only fair.) But by the end of the day, I was exhausted. We had Mike, Joy, Dad and Cindy over for hamburgers and hot dogs, and other than a few "charred" burgers, we all had a very nice lunch. Jasper, of course, provided the entertainment with his giggles, crawling and babbling.

We have some news (No, I'm not pregnant). Jasper took his first step! We were visiting Kelly and the Genevay's the night of June 19th. I was chatting it up with Mr. G when all of a sudden, Jasper walked from the couch to the coffee table. It was literally one step, but hey, that counts!! Since then, we've seen him take 2 and 3 steps here and there.

We have some more news. We are happy to report that Jasper finally cut his first tooth on the 4th of July! He'll be enjoying steak from Crazy Johnnie's in no time!

Now, I suppose it's time I explain the title of this blog. Well, there's really not much to explain, other than, he is LITERALLY getting into everything. If you don't believe me, just scroll down and take a look at our little pumpkin caught in the act, on several occasions. Needless to say, he keeps us up and moving ALL OF THE TIME.

This is before our maintenance man (aka Grandpa) helped us out by installing those kid-proof cabinet stopper things. We had temporarily ghetto-rigged some of the cabinets with rubber bands. But as you can see, the bands weren't quite cutting it. 
So we had this extra box lying around and Jasper decided to make it his new toy. The only problem is that he got himself stuck upside down in it. I walk in the living room after hearing a few whimpers,and I find him like this, waving his legs back and forth. Like any good mom, I got him out, but not before getting a few pictures first.
OMG. He LOVES Callie's dog bowl. I don't know what to make of it. You'd think I had ice cream in that bowl with the way he goes after it every day. Did I mention he does this EVERY DAY?? Poor Callie. Jasper already takes all of the attention away from Callie. Now, he's taking her food too! Oh, and in case you're wondering, he loves splashing his hands in the water bowl. What a wet mess!
Some of you may have seen this one on Facebook. Jasper is continuously exploring our house, especially those tight, hard to reach places like behind the couch. After taking this picture, I realized that I probably need to dust behind the couch more often. But then again, I guess that's what Jasper is there for. Oh, and this is another one of those times where I had to help him out, but of course, I had to get the picture first. 
You know that expression, "This is why we can't have nice things?" Well, it all makes perfect sense to me now. Babies, especially this baby, touches and plays with everything in his path. Anything in our house below three feet is susceptible to the baby we now refer to as "Jasper the Disaster." So when you come to our house, don't be surprised if you see things stacked up on tables, shelves and tops of the couches.
Like everything else in our house, Jasper has also discovered adult food. He wants to eat whatever we eat. I think it started with snoballs. But you can't blame him? Southern food is pretty amazing. After all, any southerner knows that anywhere else, people eat to live. But we live to eat!... Jasper didn't get to Daddy's hamburger, but he did enjoy some baked potato soup.
I'd like to say something sweet, like "Look at Jasper helping me with the dishes." But that would be a lie. It's more like, "Look at Jasper climbing on the dishwasher door and reaching for the knives while I try to load the dishwasher but can't because he pulls everything out that I put in!" That's right people, here comes trouble.

Well thanks for taking the time to catch up on how our little pumpkin is growing and changing. He's a handful, but we wouldn't have it any other way. He is still smiling and laughing a lot. And every day, he surprises and amazes us with his expressions and actions. I'll leave you with one more picture from the 4th of July at Granny's house. Jasper will be swimming like a fish in no time! Happy summer, and we love you!