Monday, September 10, 2012

Has it already been a year?!?

Well, it has been two months since I've checked in. Plenty of things have been going on, including Jasper turning one! But before I jump into all of the birthday festivities, I should probably catch up where I left off.

Jasper visited LSU for the first time in mid July. We drove up to Baton Rouge to visit with Uncle Justin, enjoyed lunch at the Chimes and stopped by Mike's cage. Mike was napping, so I'm not even sure if Jasper realized what we were looking at. But it's OK. We took pictures...

In late July, we joined Mom and the aunts in Florida for our annual beach trip. It wasn't quite the same without Nanny, Tony and the boys, but Jasper provided some great entertainment. He played in the sand and more important, he visited the outlet mall for the first time! He improved his walking skills a lot too.

We visited Middendorf's the first week of August, and met up with Nannan and Uncle Timmy. Jasper kept us busy with his exploring, but all in all, he was pretty well behaved. We're so glad we got to visit Middendorf's before Isaac!

Uncle Neil came home to visit! It was short, but well worth it. We spent part of the day visiting with Uncle Neil and catching up. And of course, we went to to Cafe Navarre...

The second weekend of August was FULL of birthdays! First stop, Makenzie and her "Dora the Explorer" party. Kira and Dusty rented a slide as big as their house and it was awesome. I can't wait til Jasper is older so that Jeremy and I can play. Oh, and I can't forget to mention a special appearance by Dora!! Dusty got someone to loan him a Dora costume and he had his niece dress up to surprise Makenzie. Well, it didn't go over so well. She was absolutely mortified by Dora and wanted nothing to do with her. Luckily, I got pictures as it all unfolded. Good times!

Next stop, Cousin Ella's birthday party in Mandeville. The Derry's are always a great time. I just wished they lived closer! Ella is two days older than Jasper. I'm hoping we get to spend more time with them and Baby Philip soon too.

Final stop, Granny's house to celebrate Jasper's first birthday! I went a little overboard, OK, WAY overboard with the invite list. I couldn't help it! I wanted plenty of family and friends to celebrate with us. The only problem is, I felt like I didn't get to visit with anybody longer than to say hello and goodbye! But Jasper had a good day. The party started at 2 p.m. And of course, he took his nap from 2 to 3 p.m. When he finally woke up, he was pretty out of it. We sang Happy Birthday and he was really only interested in the blue icing and the chocolate starfish on his cupcake. But once he got into the pool with Dad, he was happy. Dad rode him around on the giant LSU dinosaur we call "Dandy Don" and they had a blast with all the kids. Thanks to everyone that came out to celebrate Jasper with us. It was a great first birthday. For Jasper too.

Jasper is getting into everything. No, let me repeat this so that you can understand what I'm trying to say. The child is literally into EVERYTHING. If he's not supposed to be in it, that's where you can find him. He still eats plenty of dog food. He splashes Callie's water bowl all over the floor. Then, when the floor gets all wet, he trips and falls in the puddle. He grabs for the oven knobs. He takes the dish towels and drags them on the floor. He squeezes behind the couch to pull out the computer cords. He pulls the computer cords out of the computer and chews on them. He still climbs onto the dishwasher door when I'm trying to do the dishes. He always grabs the knives first. He pulls appliances from the cabinets. He beats on the coffee table with whatever he has in his hands. He pulls out all of the ointments and soaps on his changing table. When we go to feed him, he grabs hold of the spoon and won't let go. He splashes his hands in the toilet. He closes the dryer door while I'm trying to put clothes in it. He thinks it's fun to knock on all of the hangers in the closet til they all fall onto the floor. He opens all of the drawers in the bathroom and pulls out whatever he wants. He pulls trash out of the kitchen trash can and the bathroom trash cans. He starts the water in the bath tub when we leave the door open. At Granny's, within an hour, he managed to spill her coffee all over the kitchen floor and spill Callie's water bowl down the entire hallway. Oh, and for the record, we try to correct him. We've tried smacking his hand. He laughs at us, and thinks we're giving him a high five. Kira reminded me that "he's ONE!" So how long is he supposed to be like this?? When I asked Mom what she did to correct me, she said that I never got into anything and that I just sat and played with my dolls. I think she has selective memory.

OK, enough of the bad, let's talk about the good! Jasper is a walking fool! He has mastered the high five and he learned how to say "TOUCHDOWN!" thanks to Daddy. He started in the one-year-old classroom and he's doing well. As of August 13th, he weighs 23 lbs and he's 30 in. long. We're finally finished with baby formula. He's drinking whole milk and eating pretty much whatever we give him. For some reason, he's not that crazy about mac and cheese. But we'll give it time. Maybe Dad will have to make the homemade stuff for him. He points at a lot of things and says "Goooo" a lot. So we respond, "TIGERS!!" He claps and dances, especially when you clap and dance with him. He loves swimming at Granny's and he got his first haircut a few weeks ago with me. Mrs. Jill said, "The first cut is free!" Good thing... it was only like 15 pieces of hair, max.

We hope that everyone made out OK with Hurricane Isaac. After stressing out over how much stuff we'd have to pack for Jasper if we evacuated, we decided to take our chances in Lakeview. Besides, according to my friend Denis who works for the Army Corps, "Lakeview is fine. Worst case, you lose power for two days." Denis, you were right! We lost power for two days. Luckily, Mom never lost power, so when the winds died down Wednesday evening, we went to Granny's! And thank God for that because one full day with a one-year-old, no electricity and not being able to go outside is torture for this "slightly" impatient mommy. One can only "hunker" for so long. Once our power came back on, we became the Starr B&B! Grammie and PawPaw came to visit and stayed through the holiday. Jasper was able to get in plenty of hugs and kisses from Grammie and PawPaw.

On a side note, Jeremy started dieting with me back in May. Since we started together, Jeremy has lost 30 lbs. and I've lost 10. We're using the "My Fitness Pal" app to count our calories. I don't understand. Jeremy gets plenty more calories than me per day. And when he logs in exercise, even though we exercise the same amount of time, he loses more calories than me. Will someone please explain how this is fair? So as you can imagine, I get depressed because I cant lose as fast as him, then I cheat, then I don't lose weight. Then, he loses more weight. Then, people are like, "Jeremy, you look great!" Then, I get mad and eat chocolate. And that vicious cycle begins all over again... Honey, I'm super jealous of you, but I'm very proud of you too. Good job. But make sure you don't start to weigh less than me, because that will really make me mad!!

As always, thanks for reading. We love you and we hope you have a wonderful Fall 2012! Geaux Saints and Geaux Tigers!!