Friday, July 12, 2013

Terrible two's arrive early

We have approached the "Terrible Two's" and yes, they are pretty terrible. As much as I hate to admit it, I think we may be in over our heads. It all started about three weeks ago. Jasper, our "perfect little angel" would come home from daycare and start crying. He wouldn't stop. He cried as I made dinner. He cried as we ate dinner. He cried after dinner. And he even woke us up screaming (not just crying) two nights in one week. Waking up in the middle of the night used to be rare! I regret to inform all of you that good fortune and luck has worn off. At one point, while Jasper was rolling around on the kitchen floor screaming, I looked at Jeremy and said, "Do you think we'll get used to this?" He responded, "I was just wondering the same thing... I hope so."

Since that really bad week, we're doing our best to handle these terrifying twos... When at home, we basically ignore the tantrums and he eventually gets over it. But when we're out and about, Jasper isn't the only one losing his temper. To think, all those years, I sat on my high horse judging parents and their bad little uncontrollable children at restaurants. I honestly wondered why they even bothered leaving the house. God is punishing me. I have a new respect for parents and their efforts to go out in public. In the meantime, I need to learn to cook more than just lasagna and red beans because we're going to be staying home A LOT more often til we can get these tantrums under control. 

With all that said, he did the cutest thing last week! Yes, when he isn't throwing himself to the floor, screaming and flailing his little arms and legs, he's still my adorable little pumpkin. He learned to say his name, "Jasper Starr!" He also understands that Jeremy and I are Daddy Starr and Mommy Starr, and of course, we can't leave out Callie Starr. The only problem is, now everyone seems to have the same last name as us... Did you all know that Elmo's last name is Starr? Who would've thought!? And the daycare girls are Rachel and Emily Starr. My favorite was when I had him in the tub the other night. I pointed to the orange fish and expecting to hear him respond, "Nemo!," I asked, what's the fishie's name? I should've known better... He responded, "Fishie Starr!" More good news, he is finally saying Granny and Grammie. Thank God!

As for Baby #2, he or she is already almost halfway ready. I'm at 20 weeks today. I've been feeling pretty good. Still gaining more weight than I had hoped, but I can't complain. We had our ultrasound Monday and I'm happy to report that our baby has one head, two arms, ten fingers, two legs and ten toes! We're waiting to find out the sex til the birth. But we do have names picked out. I'm sticking with my girl name from last time, Samantha Marjorie after my Granny and PawPaw. And if it's a boy, we've decided on Sam Alexander. Alexander was Jeremy's grandpa's middle name. So we have all family names this time around. We've also picked out godparents, but since all parties have not yet been informed, we're going to wait on letting that one out the bag...

Baby sucking his/her thumb

We've been slowly but surely cleaning and getting Jasper's new room ready. Aunt Carol is having her old bed refinished for Jasper and it's going to look great in his new sports-themed room. I spent way too much at Hobby Lobby the other day, buying tons of cute vintage sports stuff. With Jeremy as his daddy, he had no choice but to have a "sports" room. I'm not quite sure when we'll make the transition to the new room, but hopefully around his birthday. 

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous and anxious about having two children. Kira told me a long time ago though, that there will never be the right time, but somehow, you just do it. So I'm trying not to think and instead, "just do." I'm not thinking about how I'm going to manage two kids going to the grocery store when Jeremy has to work late. I'm not thinking about two kids out at a restaurant, when the food takes more than 15 minutes to get to the table. I'm not thinking about the cost to keep them in daycare and eventually Catholic school. We're just going to keep moving forward, reminding ourselves each day how lucky we are to have each other, tantrums and all.