Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Birthday to Baby!

Today we welcome Baby #2 to our family. Today, Jasper becomes a big brother. Today, we finally find out whether we're having a "Sam" or a "Samantha." When did this all happen? When did we grow up, get married, and become a family? Life is just flying by. I have to say though, it's a really good life. 

If you didn't already know, we have my c-section scheduled today at 10 a.m. At my 35 week ultrasound, we discovered that the baby was HUGE! Weighing approximately 7.3 lbs. when he/she should've been more like 5 lbs., I left the doctor feeling a little bit anxious and nervous to say the least. Almost 5 weeks ago, Baby was in the 95th percentile for size, which basically meant that he/she was bigger than 95% of babies at 35 weeks. The head was measuring as if it were at 40 weeks. After a week of consuming curiosity, I finally met with my doctor at week 36. The conversation went something like this... "Doc, we gotta talk." She responded, "Yeah, your baby is huge. You're gonna have a C-section." Well, that was easy. C section it is! I was a little scared at first, but since then, I've certainly warmed up to the idea. After Jasper's ridiculously painful delivery involving those pesky "hot spots," I have to say that I'm somewhat relieved that I won't have to worry whether the epidural will work this time. We'll arrive around 8 a.m., get prepped, go into surgery around 10 a.m., then have a baby within an hour. Not bad. Not bad at all. We'll celebrate our first Thanksgiving in the hospital, but that's OK. Granny will take Jasper for a turkey lunch in Mandeville, and we'll sit back, enjoy watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and wait for the leftovers to pour in that night. No traveling this year. No cooking. No cleaning. Just family. And I'm perfectly OK with that. 

I hope that Jasper adjusts well. Needless to say, he's been very "comfortable" being the center of attention these past two years and almost four months. As for Callie Mae, she will soon be knocked down to #3 on our list. So if you have time to come by and visit, please do give her some extra love. She could use it!

There were a few pictures from Halloween that I hadn't yet posted, so I figured I should add those this morning. I hope this baby is as good of a sport as Jasper has been when it comes to dressing up! Just wait to see what we have in store for next year's Krewe of Barkus Parade!

Well, I better go get ready for our big day. No more "bowling ball" after today! Thanks for all of the calls, texts and facebook messages. We certainly feel the love. And happiest of Thanksgivings to you, especially this year. This may sound cliche, but there's so very much to be thankful for!