Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lots to catch up on!

Have a seat. This may take a while...

It's already May! This whole two-kids-thing has really put a damper on my blogging! Sam, a.k.a. "Porkchop" is already five months old! He started daycare back in late January and he's been doing very well. Jeremy weighed him some time last week and he's already 18 lbs! He's pretty much outgrowing his 3-6 month clothes, and I can barely carry him in his car seat! He's an awesome baby, just like his brother was--smiling often and sleeping thru the night. He can sometimes be a bit high maintenance during the day, but that's when I get my cuddling in. He was totally over his vibrating seat after only a few short months, probably because it leans him too far back. He loves sitting straight up and watching everything around him, especially Jasper. Thank God for the Bumbo, or as Jeremy likes to call it, the "Bimbo." Either way, that thing is a godsend for us. We "gently squeeze" his chunky little legs into it and he can sit for up to a half hour at a time, even longer if Jasper is entertaining him! We dusted off the bouncer too, and his feet already touch the ground! He's bouncing like crazy in that thing. He rolled over for the first time on the morning of February 24th. We started him on baby food just last week. Time is flying. I feel like I just don't have enough time to spend with him to make him laugh and take pictures. But I try. I play "photographer" as often as possible, trying to capture every expression, every change. I noticed his first mole just a few weeks ago. It's on his belly. (I thought it was dirt the first couple of days, but it wouldn't rub off, haha!) Hopefully he's not quite as "moley" as his mama.

As for Jasper, we have some special news! Jasper was accepted into St. Francis Xavier School on Metairie Road. Our current daycare, Metairie Ridge only takes toddlers up to 3 years old. So we'll be moving Jasper in September. The day we brought him for his screening, we took him out of daycare, leaving Sammy. On our way in to the new school, he asked, "Where's Sammy?" Made my heart melt... It's not easy explaining to a two-year-old that he's going to a new school and his baby brother isn't. But St. Francis has a 2 year old program, so we may very well bring Sam over a little early. We'll see...

I guess I should also mention Jasper's potty training endeavors. We're still not quite there yet, but he makes the effort. In fact, Jasper gave Granny a "very special birthday present" this year that involved the toilet and Facetime. He saved his first official #2 just for Granny! Happy Birthday Granny! 

Mardi Gras came and went. We did the usual coming and going from the Iris Ball to Endymion's Coronation Ball to parade watching, parade riding, parade dancing, and another Extravaganza. We did it all in a very short amount of time! Sam's first parade was the Little Rascals in Metairie. He wasn't impressed. Unlike Jasper, we've noticed that the noise bothers him somewhat. Hopefully, he'll grow out of it by next year--not like he has a choice. We partied it up with our favorite Mardi Gras going couple, Jessica and Trey. They're always so much fun! We sat through the Iris Ball without falling asleep, and enjoyed time with Joy Mike, Neil and Tia, and of course the infamous Gegenheimer's at the Supper Dance. Granny watched Sam for all the parades, and I didn't even have to ask! I think after all the running from parade to parade for 50+ years has finally set in and she's over it. The aunts on the other hand, yup, they're still going strong! We took Jasper with us when we could and he was a good sport. We're teaching him all sorts of life lessons after all... to respect good music, to share beads, how to catch, have patience, how to eat a moon pie and still wave as the float passes by--otherwise known as multitasking, giving to others, social interaction, and to dance like no one is watching. In fact, on the Saturday after Mardi Gras, I asked him, what do you want to do today. He replied, "I wanna go to the parades!" It's a good thing St. Patrick's Day parades were only a week away! Speaking of St. Patrick's Day, moving right along... 

The weather held up just enough for us to enjoy two full days of St. Patty's Day parades. Jasper and Sam had a blast! So glad Amanda, Matt and Alex joined us Sunday. Here are some pics from that weekend.

With parade season over, we thought it would be fun to enroll Jasper into sports. He's playing "soccer"on Monday nights out in Elmwood. Well, he's not actually playing soccer. It's more like learning how to follow instructions. I'm sad to say, it's not going so well. The coach says, "Run to the white line when I say GO." What does Jasper do? He takes off running before the coach tells him to, and when he gets to the white line... Well, have you seen Forrest Gump--the part where he keeps on running past the goal and through the stadium? Yes, that's our son. He runs and runs and doesn't listen to the coach at all. I just want to yell, "RUN JASPER RUN" in my best Alabama accent. He's adorable but I have to admit, he does not listen. So Jeremy and I have to be pretty hands on, more-so Jeremy, doing our best to keep him in line with the other kids, etc. But it's something fun to do that wears him out. In fact, his sleeping habits have improved. He's actually going to bed BEFORE 10 p.m., AND without us having to lay with him til he falls asleep. Don't judge--Jasper is a night owl and it's a very big deal that we've actually been getting both boys to bed by around 9:15 p.m.! With swimming lessons starting in June, I think it's only going to get better. At least, we hope so! 

I also need to mention that Grammie and PawPaw moved out just before Mardi Gras into an apartment on Jefferson Hwy. Good news--they found a house in Metairie, and the sale was finalized about a week ago! They're still dealing with the old house, but they're hoping to sell it soon so that they can move on. 

The months are going by so fast. Jeremy and I celebrated our four year anniversary and birthdays with a trip to New York City. The weather was great and it was nice to spend some quality time together, holding hands with each other instead of running after Jasper or feeding Sam, etc. We had everyone to our house for both Easter and Mother's Day, and we're looking forward to Aimee & John's wedding at the end of this month. So much going on I can barely keep things straight. Here are some more of my favorite pictures from the last few months. Thanks for reading!

Granny with her boys

Birthday Brunch at Muriel's

PawPaw and Sammy 

Me and the boys at Jasper's first Easter Egg Hunt

My birthday dinner at Porter & Luke

Me pretending I'm a professional photographer... yeah, not so much.

Grandpa and Sammy on Easter Sunday

Audrey and I on Easter Sunday

Jasper checking out his loot after another Easter Egg Hunt

 Granny and Sammy

And as if we hadn't already eaten enough, we had to go to Morning Call too!

So glad Nannan and Uncle Timmy joined us for Easter... and beignets!

Jeremy and I at Rockefeller Center in New York

P.S. We took some family photos in late April. Here are our favorites...