Sunday, November 2, 2014

To my boys, this one's for your baby books...

I try jotting things down when I can so that you'll know all the adorable and awesome things you do as a toddler and baby. I do this because I want you to know how special you are to us, and to everyone around you. You bring us such joy in everything you do (even when you're a little badass Jasper), you are the two best things in our lives.

Jasper--in the mornings, on the way to school, you always comment on the sun, that "the sun is awake." And at night, you tell us that "the sun went to sleep and now, the moon is awake!" It's the way you say it--you have so much excitement and expression. Every weekday, when we bring you to school, you proudly sit on Daddy's shoulders from the car to your classroom. You are probably known as the kid that is always on his dad's shoulders, and I'm totally fine with that. Then, as we drop you off at your classroom, you give hugs and kisses, then make sure we give you a high five and "daps." Just so you know, Daddy and I really love that. In the car, you request that Mardi Gras music be played (daily). You say, "Put on the Mardi Gras bead song!" So we listen, dance and sing along to the second line. That and the "Gooba Gooba" song. It's positively one of my favorite songs because it makes me think of you. Oh, and how can I forget the "Three Little Birds." Daddy taught you one of his Bob Marley favorites at least a year ago. You know the words better than I do! At home, when Dad tries to throw the football to you, you lecture him, "No throwing balls in the house Daddy!" Good boy. You are constantly talking and I'm happy to say that we understand about 90% of what you're saying. You ask "why" all the time. When we tell you we love you, you simply reply, "yeah." Your manners are improving. You still love french fries and mac-n-cheese, and you will eat just about every flavor of pop tart there is. We took you to your first LSU game in Houston. Let's just say that it didn't quite go as planned. You were all over the place and you and I spent most of the game outside by the concessions. Don't be mad if we don't take you to another game til you're 13--just kidding. On the way home last week, we asked you about who you played with that day and you said, "Abigail," Then, when Daddy asked you if Abigail was your girlfriend, you said, "No! Felicity is my girlfriend." You and Felicity are really cute together. Halloween just passed and (because I'm sure you'll be mortified by the pictures when you're a teenager) you positively loved being a bubble gum snoball. And I have to say that you and Sam were the best looking snoballs I've ever seen. 

Jasper, I love the person you are becoming. You're happy, sweet and you have a good heart. On Halloween night, there was a man that answered the door and apologized because he had no candy. As we were walking away, you said, "We need to go get that man some candy!" You have so much energy and at times, I'd swear you have springs in your butt with the way you jump all over the place. You never sit still. Never. But you listen (pretty well) and your rapidly growing vocabulary impresses the heck out of us. You're eating better too, (even if it is because we threaten to put you to bed early). At only three years old, we are already so proud of you. I know you need to keep growing, but part of me wishes I could keep the little three year old version of you forever. Hope that didn't sound too creepy...

Sammy--you broke your first tooth today! You're cruising all over the house, chasing after Jasper from room to room on all fours as fast as you can. You laugh constantly, but particularly when Jasper is entertaining you and tickling you. You babble incessantly and loudly. About two weeks ago, you started pulling up on the furniture, so we've lowered your crib. Speaking of cribs, we walk in your room most mornings to find you sitting up and playing contently. And when we get your intention, you give the biggest smile and wave your arms up and down. You're such a morning person, not at all like me. We're about to celebrate your first birthday in less than a month and I just don't understand where the last year went. The older I get, the faster time flies by. Thank God I've taken so many pictures of you along the way. We took you to your first LSU tailgate last weekend. We visited the Zeta house, Granny's old dorm, and ate at the Chimes with Aunt Carol and Aunt Debbie. You didn't make it to the game but we beat Ole Miss 10-7, in case you wanted to know. You're becoming more independent, playing on the floor, and getting into things. You're now going into the dog bowl, grabbing Callie's food and splashing the water. You seem to like Callie's toys more than your own and unfortunately, sometimes we don't notice you have one til you've been chewing on it for some time. At least Callie doesn't seem to mind. You stuck yourself between the couch and the end table. It reminded me when Jasper got stuck behind the couch. Your godfather, Uncle Jonathan came to visit today and you showed him how excited you were to see him by projectile vomiting all over him. I was mortified, but he just laughed. Please apologize to him when you're older. He was really cool about it all...

Sam, I love getting to know you and watching you change. You're getting so big. No seriously, I buy clothes for you and you outgrow them a week later. You fit into 18 month clothes, and you're only 11 months. You give the best hugs. We can't wait to see you walking and talking!

And let me tell you about your dad. He is absolutely the best dad ever. He is always playing with you, making you laugh, challenging you, and happy to help you. He's learning Catholic prayers so that you can say them together. He loves being with us, his family, and when he's apart from you, he's missing you both. He is so proud to be your dad and everyone knows it. 

There are people that go thru life never realizing how good they have it. I'm telling you now, recognizing that this is just the beginning of our lives together, that I know exactly what I have and how lucky I am to have all three of you. I hope you both see what I see in him. And I hope you grow up to be just like him. 

Some pictures from the LSU game in Houston with Grammie and PawPaw.

Jasper learning to ride his new tricycle with Daddy.

Stopping to take a group picture with Mom and Sammy.

Jasper and Sam, about to "go to the moon" in their space ship.

Hugging on my boys and trying to get all three of us to smile at the same time. Virtually impossible.

Sammy at 10 months.

Sammy and Jasper trying out their snoball costumes.

Sammy's first haircut, 10/10/14.

Grammie and PawPaw with Sammy.

The boys in their matching skeleton pajamas.

Visiting the pumpkin patch, 10/18/24.

LSU Homecoming, 10/25/14

Visiting the Zeta house with the whole family.

Always happy in the mornings.

Happy Halloween from the Starr's. Loving our snoball costumes this year, 10/31/14.

Sammy starting to stand up on his own, 10/22/14.