Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Highs and Lows

I blinked and now it's a few hours before Christmas Eve. Jasper and Sam are growing so fast. Did we take enough pictures? Did we create enough good memories for them? Are they happy? Are we teaching them well? Are they healthy? Are they polite? Am I doing enough? Those are just a few of the thousands of thoughts I have daily as a mother. And when I'm not worrying whether Sam is talking enough  and if Jasper finished his homework, I'm wondering what I did right to have all of this wonderful. I think of Charlotte sometimes, from Sex and the City when she tells Carrie that she has everything she has ever wanted and that she is so happy she's terrified. 

The past four months have been filled with highs and lows. My heart is heavy, and my chin is quivering as I think of the lows. We lost a beautiful, fascinating and kind family friend in October, one that I looked up to for as long as I can remember. And if that wasn't hard enough, the following week, my dear friend lost her newborn baby. I spend most of my time on this blog talking about how great life is. The truth is that it is great most of the time. But for whatever reason, bad things happen. Even to good people. Our challenge is to rise above them and be grateful for the life we have, and to make the most of it. I'll fondly remember Christine and her smile. I'll remember sharing the ladder with her at Mardi Gras. I'll do my best to stop asking why. I'll pray for Ann and her family that they find peace. I'll remind her as I work to remind myself, it was God's plan to take Tabitha. I'll continue to believe that He is good and that everything happens according to His plan. Because that's the only way this all makes sense to me. I have to have faith because there's no other way to live. I hope our boys feel the same way when they're faced with difficult moments in life.

"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." OK, so I may not be glad every day. Some days are just hard, like hearing that Christine was gone while I was on vacation, and finding out that the baby I was going to visit on Saturday had suddenly passed away Wednesday morning. Not to mention, seeing my husband's favorite person in the world decline because of this despicable disease we call ALS. But life is still good. Today is a new day, a new opportunity to bring happiness to yourself and others. I'll choose to make the most of it; if not for me, then for Jeremy, Jasper and Sam. Because they are my highs that get me through my lows.

Looking back at the highs too, because they're the best parts of life, and they get us through the lows, since August, we celebrated many birthdays and ate a lot of cake. We tailgated with good friends and cheered for our Tigers. We watched family and friends come out to support Mike as he battles ALS. We watched our boys explore and learn. We watched them interact with each other and take care of one another. We made new friends. We tried new recipes and they came out pretty good. We dressed in costume and silly hats and made fools of ourselves. We drank wine. We danced. We traveled to the mountains to see the leaves change and spend time with Mike and our family. We kissed and hugged each other. We paraded at the Krewe of Jingle Parade. We sang Christmas songs all month long, Sam too. We made good memories. And if all of that wasn't enough, Neil proposed to Tia on December 16th, and they got married that same day! I'm so happy for them, and that I have a new sister. 

See. Life IS good. Don't ever let the lows make you think otherwise. Look at all of the people around you this Christmas. Your family and friends. Appreciate them and have fun together. Be silly. Listen. Take pictures. Eat plenty of turkey too. Be someone's "high."

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours. Here's to a 2016 full of many highs and very few lows. 

Boys, every time I look at you, even when you're being really bad or full of dirt and food, you are positively my highs. I love you and you make me so happy.

Jasper's 4th birthday party at the Monkey Room, 8/29/15

 Jasper and his buddy Aidan celebrating at their 4th birthday party

Goofing off at home during the LSU/ Miss State game, 9/12/15

A good, wholesome game of tackle

Bath time with my Sammy, 9/22/15

Movie night at St. Francis with Jasper and his friend, Jackson, 9/26/15

More tackle, this time, during the Saints game, 9/27/15

Joy and Mike at Iris Coronation, 10/3/15

Denis, Casey and us at Iris Coronation

 Celebrating Joy's birthday at Drago's (Sammy was sick), 10/16/15

Best buddies

Jasper and Kate at the ALS Walk, 10/17/15

Family picture at the ALS Walk (Sam was still sick)

All of Mike's supporters at the ALS Walk

Jasper, a.k.a. Buzz Lightyear! at the SFX Trunk or Treat, 10/17/15

Our awesome friends, Tracey, Bobby and Kate at Trunk or Treat

Jasper with his buddies, telling the girls to "keep out!"

Not a bad family photo considering Sam was sick but we drug him out anyway... 10/17/15

Gatlinburg sight-seeing, 10/19/15

Jeremy and his Nannan with Sam in Ober Gatlinburg, 10/20/15

Nova's surprise birthday party 

 Awesome family picture of these four, 10/21/15
Another awesome family picture of four

Jasper hanging on PawPaw

A happy Sam, finally feeling better

Kings of the world!

Shopping on the strip with Granny, 10/22/15

Me and Nova on the hayride, 10/22/15

Jasper and Aiden in Dollywood, 10/23/15

Halloween 2015

Granny and "Woody"

Family Trick or Treating in Lakeview

Nova and Jasper

Aiden, already driving!

Uncle Neil with his boys

Sammy throwing hay all over Granny

LSU Tailgating, 11/14/15

Relaxing at the tailgate with Aunt Carol

Me and my girl

We even convince Granny to come up and tailgate!

Goofing off with Uncle Kevin

The Fab 4!

Celebrating Sam's 2nd birthday, 11/15/15

Sammy feeding Cici some ice cream

Happiest when he has the football!

I may be the only one in the family that can get him to willingly take a picture 
AND smile. I must be his favorite!

Sammy getting some help from Grandpa with opening his presents

Mike and Les

Cristi-Jo, Jeremy and Nannan

Happy 2nd birthday my little turkey!

After everyone left, Aimee, Les and I had our own party!

Sam, the little linebacker 

Christmas Parade, Krewe of Jingle - my two lady killers! 12/5/15

Visiting the Roosevelt at Christmas time, 12/12/15

Daddy and Sammy

Me and Jasper

Me and the boys with the 610 Stompers, 12/12/15

I don't always dress them the same. But when I do, it's in matching Mr. Bingle pajamas, 12/13/15

Grammie and her boys

Mom and Dad tied the knot! 12/16/15

Congratulations you two. We love you!

Happy couple