Saturday, May 9, 2015

Moving on into Spring!

I just don't know what we'd do without St. Patrick's Day. It's such a nice time to get our last bit of parading out of our systems. This year, we decided to go all out, with costumes and wigs. And of course we talked Aimee and John into looking like fools with us. Wait, I should probably say that Aimee and I talked Jeremy and John into dressing like fools with us. I even made a last-minute-four leaf-clover cape, and it was awesome. Thanks to Aimee for drawing and cutting the clover!

We left the kids at home on Saturday and paraded in the Irish Channel ALL DAY with our favorite partiers Jessica and Trey! Trey had the crazy idea to finally wash his leprechaun costume and it wouldn't blow up. But by the grace of the Irish gods, he somehow got it working for Saturday, and he looked damn good! It was also Trey's birthday, and between the bouncy balls and jello shots, not to mention Jessica's amazing homemade cookie cake, I think everyone with us would agree, it was a spectacular day.

After we picked up the kids from Grandpa and CiCi's house, we went out to eat with Mom. And no, we didn't change clothes either...

And the fun continued on Sunday! We put the wigs and hats back on for another day of St. Patrick's Day fun in  Metairie to catch more cabbages, carrots and potatoes, and this time we brought the boys. Amanda, Matt and Alex came down from Baton Rouge and Tia brought Aiden too. It was hot, but that didn't stop us from having a blast. We even saw the Mares clan! It was an insane weekend and the house was a disaster til Easter. But man, we had fun. Thanks to CiCi for saving our spots and bringing extra food for everyone.

As busy as we are, we always make time to babysit Baby Aiden when Tia or Neil calls. Just look at this picture of Aiden and Jeremy and you'll see why. So precious! 

Oh, back in March, Jeremy pulled out the passports in preparation for our trip to Jamaica. (Jasper was only five months old when he had his picture taken.) When we showed Jasper his passport, we asked, "Who is that?" He replied, "Baby Aiden!" Maybe he does look like a Starr after all...

This was just a lazy Saturday at home with the boys. It was some time after Mardi Gras and Sammy had just started walking. We most likely spent the day picking up toys and doing laundry. But I did manage to get a "brotherly love" picture just before another game of tackle. Jasper and Sam are playing together more and more. Jasper does sweet things for Sammy too, like giving him his bottle, handing him toys in the car, and sharing snacks. And Sammy laughs at all of Jasper's jokes. Can they stay this way forever?


Happy five years to us! Jeremy and I celebrated our anniversary by spending five glorious days in Jamaica. We stayed at the Sandals resort in Whitehouse, and it was exactly the vacation we needed. Thankfully, our luggage arrived with us this time (unlike the honeymoon).

I have to admit, as much as we love being with our boys, it was so nice to enjoy the simple, pre-Mom & Dad stuff that we took for granted five years ago, like only having to get yourself ready to go out, or just laying in bed before actually getting up out of bed. And enjoying a meal together quietly and calmly without having to rush out as soon as we finish our last bite of food. And playing in the pool without having to make sure your kids don't drown every single second. It was peaceful and relaxing; the perfect vacation.

Jeremy surprised me the second night there with a private dinner for two on the beach. The food was delicious and the service was impeccable. We spent our days laying in hammocks, lounging in and by the pool, walking the beach and socializing with whoever happened to be next to us. That's the great thing about vacations. Everyone is carefree. At night, we'd hang out at the martini bar or catch a show at the cabaret. I've never had so much fun doing absolutely nothing. Finally, on our last full day there, we went on an excursion to the YS Falls and then to the Appleton Rum Factory. We jumped off a cliff into a waterfall/lagoon and I nearly drowned. But Jeremy like it so much he did it twice! And at the Rum Factory, we basically got drunk.

Jeremy, I'm ready to go back whenever you are! Oh, and Happy five years. You make my life so complete. You are the best person in the entire world for me, and I'm just lucky you put up with me. Oh, and you're really good-looking too.

If you were to ask Jasper, he'd tell you that the Easter bunny lives down the street from us, at his "Easter bunny place." We went to the LCIA Easter Egg Hunt last year, and he remembered where it was on Canal Blvd. It's funny how certain things stick with him. Even in November, we'll drive down Canal Blvd. and he'll yell, "My Easter bunny place!" So we were happy to go back this year and do it all over again.

We took part in three different Easter Egg hunts this year, which kept us very busy. I made several stops to the drugstore for plastic eggs because no matter how many I bought, there were never enough. We especially enjoyed the impromptu Easter Egg hunt in our neighborhood the week before Easter. I had no idea how many kids we had so close to us! 

So just for fun, we thought it would be a good idea to buy an Easter bunny costume. Best $70 I could've spent! Jeremy tried it on the night before and pretended to be the Easter bunny walking in the front door. We took a picture to prove to Jasper that the Easter bunny was here. Some kids might be freaked out, but when we showed it to him the next morning, Jasper thought it was awesome! And on Sunday, with the whole family over, the Easter bunny made another special appearance. This time, PawPaw dressed as the Easter bunny and showed up during our family Easter egg hunt. What a champ for wearing that suit as everyone took pictures in the heat.

The hunt was a success and the kids had a great time. It was fun watching their different strategies; Nova ran out and snatched every single egg in site til Uncle Neil finally forced him to stop so that other kids could have some. Meanwhile, Jasper stopped at one, opened it, examined it and played with it. Sam pretty much did the same thing, but with some help from CiCi. After our hunt, we had a crawfish boil with the family. It was a beautiful day and a very nice Easter. And if anyone wants chocolate or jelly beans, we're still trying to get them out of our house!

And a big Happy Birthday to Granny! Granny celebrated her 39th birthday on Easter Sunday this year. That's right folks, she had me when she was five years old, haha!

I think it's safe to say she had a wonderful birthday, receiving lots of kisses and hugs from Jasper and Sam. And thanks to the aunts and us, she finally got a new iphone. It's about time Granny! What's funny is all those times she's gotten aggravated with all of us being on our phones. Just the other night at dinner, she couldn't put it down. Either way, I know she enjoys her regular pictures of Jasper and Sam.

Oh, and to those daredevils that tried my gluten-free, sugar-free birthday cake, I appreciate your kindness and I hope that trying my disaster of a birthday cake wasn't too painful for you. Next time I'll stick with one or the other, and definitely not both!

I couldn't wait to get a shot of all the Starr boys together. And we were so thrilled to have Nova with us. It was awesome to see him and Jasper playing and laughing together. Looking forward to seeing Nova and Aiden plenty this Summer... oh and Uncle Neil and Aunt Tia too!

What an enjoyable birthday weekend. The rain stopped just in time to see my cutie perform on stage at Old Metairie Fest. Then again, I can't say it was much of a performance. My "shining star" basically stood with his head down, playing with the button on his shirt the entire time while the other kids sang and danced to Grand Old Flag and Twist and Shout. Don't let that cute picture on stage fool you. That was snapped when he first walked out. That's OK though. He was still precious and we were so thankful to have all of the grandparents and the aunts there to support and cheer for him.

After a quick dinner, dropping off Granny and a 30-minute nap in the car, we decided to go back to St. Francis and enjoy the music at the fair. We were there, dancing with the kids til 9 p.m. Who knew that hanging out and dancing with a couple of toddlers could be so much fun? I mean, we didn't even have to pay a cover! Jasper and I jammed to some awesome 80s and 90s tunes from Category 6 as he sat on my shoulders in the front row. And Jeremy did the same with Sammy. Sam was a good sport, partying with us all, especially considering his bedtime is at 8 p.m.

There is one more thing about the fair... On the Friday before the fair, also my birthday, I received a phone call that absolutely made my day. Mrs. Penny called and said, "Are you sitting down?" My response was, "What did he do this time?" She informed me that Jasper won Assistant Principal for the day! Evidently, this is a pretty big deal. From what I gathered, they had a pep rally and the principal recognized the two students that sold the most raffle tickets in front of the entire school! Jasper is the youngest person in the school's history to win. His duties will include acting as Assistant Principal, making the morning announcements, leading the Pledge of Allegiance, visiting the classrooms, and possibly answering a few phone calls. Of course, we bought him a suit for the special occasion. Seersucker...

Aunt Carol and Aunt Debbie treated us to a delicious brunch at Muriel's on April 19th. The boys behaved very well. Aunt Carol kept Jasper occupied with coloring and chatting, and Granny played hide and seek with Sammy behind Jeremy's chair. Goldie, the class turtle came with us too. Jasper got all green checks the week of my birthday, and for doing so, he got to take Goldie for the weekend and was also student of the week. What a perfect birthday present! Thanks to the aunts for a wonderful brunch!

The boys are growing so fast. I wish I had the time to write about each special memory and every funny moment. But I'd probably have to quit my job because they're so stinking cute, not to mention entertaining. And since we can't afford that, I hope you'll settle for the few stories I can think of off the top of my head...

Every day after we pick up Jasper from school, and stop off at daycare to get Sammy, Daddy and Jasper race to the door, then from daycare back to the car. We've discovered that Jasper is somewhat of a sore loser. OK, an extremely sore, whiny, crying and grumpy loser. Every now and then we take turns beating him to the door so that we can teach him that he won't always win, and that if he wants to be the best at something, he has to practice--two great life lessons, am I right?? Then again, most of the time we let him win to avoid the melt down. Either way, his good sportsmanship is a work in progress. We'll keep you posted.

Jasper's last day of PreK3 is next Friday, 5/15. I can't believe how fast his first year at St. Francis has flown by. He can write his name now and say his prayers, and probably do a ton of other things that I don't even realize. But at bath time, he still let's me pick him up out of the tub, wrap him in the towel, and rock him like a baby. Every time I take him out of the tub, we look in the mirror at our reflections and I say, "There's my little baby!" And I slobber him with kisses. He just smiles and giggles. It's pretty much the only time he lets me hold him like that. Speaking of being held, he still has Daddy carry him on his shoulders every single morning to school. He does give Daddy a hard time though every now and then. Jasper will mess with Daddy, saying that only loves me and not Daddy. In Jasper's words, he'll say, "I love Mommy. Sammy loves Mommy. And Daddy loves Callie. Sometimes, he'll change it up, saying that he loves me and I love Sammy. But the end is always the same. Daddy loves Callie, and the boys only love me. Sometimes, he outright asks Jeremy to stop talking. It drives Jeremy nuts. We're hoping it's just a phase. In the meantime, I try not to rub it in too much that I'm his favorite. 

This past Thursday, Jasper had gotten all green checks so far, so Jasper, Sam and I went for snoballs while Daddy stayed late at work. Of course, he wanted a "green" snoball because he got a "green" check! But of course, on Friday when we picked him up, his after care teacher had given him a red check for peeing all over the bathroom. She said even the wall and curtains were wet. So he cleaned up that bathroom, and when he got home, we had him clean his bathroom too. Ugh, boys!?! What's with them peeing everywhere but in the toilet??

Sammy is now almost 18 months old. He's talking a lot more, mimicking lots of words and repeating what we say. He tries saying outside and inside, ball, snoball, bubbles, apple, cheese and "per" which is actually "Jasper." He loves to say Dada, but it sounds more like, "Dih-Daahhh!" He sings with us sometimes when we sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." His personality, so far, consists of lots of smiles and laughs, then very serious and stern stares. And every now and then, he gives you this "Who do you think you are?" look. Who knows, maybe it's gas. He's still an awesome eater and most nights, when putting him in his crib, he doesn't even fuss or cry. He can be a bit fussy in the mornings, but when I sing to him, he usually stops crying. Considering how bad my voice is, you'd think my singing would only make things worse! But he loves hearing Twinkle twinkle, along with "You are my sunshine," "Itsy Bitsy Spider," and of course, "Hey Fightin' Tigers!" And he loves to dance. Whenever we turn music on in the house, or we're out where there's music playing, he's usually bouncing and swaying. 

He has perfected saying "buh-bye" and the wave, and he gives Jasper high fives every morning just before Daddy walks him into daycare. He loves playing tackle with Jasper and Daddy; usually because I save him from Jasper and Daddy before things get too rough. He has begun climbing on chairs and throwing the occasional temper tantrum. When he's hungry, he calls food "Mama." And just like Jasper seems to favor me more, Sammy ABSOLUTELY favors Daddy. He rarely calls me Mama. Instead, he says "Dih-Daahhh!" to both of us. He always wants Daddy to hold him too. Who knows... next month, roles will reverse and Jasper will only want to play with Daddy and Sammy will have his arms out, running to me. 

We're in the middle of a very busy weekend. Jasper started his swim lessons again at Elmwood, so you can find us there on Saturday mornings. Then tonight we celebrated Aunt Debbie's birthday at Commander's Palace. I had the brilliant idea of bringing the boys and of course, it backfired on me. Both were tired and grumpy and the first half hour was spent trying to get Sam to stop crying. Things finally settled down and it probably wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was. Thanks to Mom, Aunt Carol and Aunt Debbie for keeping us sane and being so patient with us. At least dinner was delicious, and the boys looked very dapper in their seersucker outfits. Happy 29th Birthday Aunt Debbie!

Mother's Day is tomorrow. How lucky are we to have so many wonderful moms and mom-like figures in our lives? Growing up, I had three active and always present moms, not to mention one very special and extraordinary Granny. And now, a generation later, my boys still have my three moms, and even more love from two additional grandmas that adore them. We want you to know how much we appreciate you. Jeremy and I realize how lucky we are to have your constant love, support and help every single day. Thank you for being there for us as he and I work to turn these little boys into good, kind men. We couldn't do it without you. And Jasper and Sam wouldn't be who they are without your involvement and unconditional love. Happy Mother's Day Granny, Grammie, CiCi, Aunt Carol and Aunt Debbie.

And to my mom, I wouldn't be the mom I am without you. I'm not perfect, but the boys are still alive and for the most part, happy. Occasionally, we even get a "thank you" from Jasper without reinforcement. That's gotta mean something, right?! But on a more serious and sincere note, I hope you're as proud of me as I am of you. Thank you and you positively are the best.