Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Family time, one day at a time

I've put a lot of thought into how to start this particular entry. You see, the family received some difficult news, which we are still adjusting to and reflecting on. I wasn't sure how to word things. I don't really feel comfortable broadcasting it. But this is life. And I can't leave it out. And with my boys in mind, I'm going to talk about it because ultimately, they need to know that overcoming hard times together is what makes our family stronger. And as long as we continue to love and care for one another, we're going to get through this.

Jeremy's dad, our boys' beloved PawPaw was diagnosed with ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease) on May 22nd.  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. A second opinion from another doctor confirmed the diagnosis last Friday, June 19th, ironically Lou Gehrig's birthday and the same day Lou Gehrig was diagnosed with ALS. PawPaw's type of ALS is bulbar onset, which means it's affecting more of his speech, coughing and swallowing, and not so much his limbs. Although he is having some problems with his right hand. We're not sure when he developed this, but we believe he has had some of the typical symptoms for at least a year, if not more, and it just took a while to connect the dots.

As I mentioned earlier, we're all still adjusting, taking this news one day at a time. So please pray for PawPaw and our family moving forward. In the meantime, we've decided to knock a few things off his bucket list for him with the first being the College World Series. Jeremy and I surprised PawPaw with the news just days before they headed to Omaha to see the Tigers play. They caught two games; one loss to TCU and one win to Cal State Fullerton. Not bad! Jeremy and his dad had a much needed boys' trip together, and I'm so glad the Tigers gave them the opportunity to be part of a win in Omaha.

We're in the midst of planning a few more fun adventures with PawPaw this fall, camping with Nova and Jasper, and taking a family vacation back to the mountains. We're all looking forward to the drive, family time and seeing the leaves change.

ALS isn't going to stop us. We'll continue to enjoy and appreciate our time together for as long as God allows.

Now, back to the events and stories that make up this unpredictable, yet wonderful life...

We had a very nice Mother's Day brunch with more people than I can count at the Peppermill. In fact, we were all enjoying each other so much after the meal, the hostess had to finally ask us to give up our table! After a nice long nap post brunch, Jeremy and I took the boys for beignets at City Park, then walked over to the boat rentals where we all hopped in a boat and paddled throughout the park. It was honestly the perfect afternoon with my boys. And did I mention that both boys managed to stay "inside" the boat?!?

Jasper's day as Assistant Principal and his last day of school came and went. He looked so sharp in his seersucker suit, even if he was a little shy during announcements. I heard he got to pull the fire alarm though, which must've been pretty cool for a three-year-old. My little boy is getting bigger and bigger. Well, not that big. Come to think of it, he still fits in all of his 2T shorts and he's almost four!

We enrolled him in Cabbageball at St. Francis. They play Monday and Thursday nights during the summer, and of course, Jeremy is coaching Jasper's team. He's not much of a hitter yet, but he's learning the basics of the sport, running the bases, catching and throwing the ball, and swinging the bat. He spends half the time squatting on the blacktop, playing with the rocks. And when he's not playing with the rocks, he's twirling around and hanging on me while I try reminding each kid to run to the next base. His games are amusing to say the least.

Speaking of ball games, we drove up to Prairieville to see Nova at his baseball game. He was absolutely shocked and thrilled to see us. He actually stopped in his tracks when we all started cheering for him, and he was smiling from ear to ear. I love that we made him feel that way.

Uncle Neil and Aunt Tia invited us all over for a BBQ and the kids had so much fun together on Uncle Neil's slip-n-slide and Jasper's water slide. The more time we spend with Nova, the better it gets and the more our individual relationships with him grow. He's giving more hugs, smiling and laughing more, and playing better and better with Jasper. And he loves playing tackle with Jeremy, Jasper and Sammy. I'm sure Aunt Tia can't wait for Aiden to get in on all the action... Last weekend, Jeremy said, "Nova, did you know Jasper's your best friend?" Nova replied with a very confident and know-it-all response, "Yea."

Jasper has really improved this summer when it comes to swimming. He's jumping further, kicking better and putting his head under water more. Swim lessons at Elmwood are going well and he seems to really enjoy them. And when we're not swimming at Elmwood, we're swimming at Granny's house. Sam is finally getting some good use out of his new boat from Santa. He's also using Granny's cool slide like a champ. Fearless, just like Jasper, right Granny!?!

Father's Day this year was significant to say the least. So many fathers to celebrate and so many memories to make in one short day. But we did it! We had Grandpa and CiCi, PawPaw and Grammie, Aunt Tia and Uncle Neil, and Aunt Tia's parents, Doug and Judi, and of course the four grandkids all over at our house. I cooked and baked, we ate and ate. The boys gave their grandpas presents, which included their pictures, handprints and footprints. There was some crying. More eating. Then, we played some crazy games involving Cheetos, whipped cream, a three-legged race and toilet paper, but not all those things at once. It was another great day with very special family. Thanks to all of you for being such good sports with those silly games. I think the adults enjoyed them as much, if not more than the kids! Happy Father's Day to our wonderful dads, grandpas and uncles. We wouldn't be the family we are without your love and support. Happy Father's Day Dad and Mike, we love you very much.