Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Laundry Chair

Laundry. It never ends. I just can't keep up. Every time I remove a pile from one of the many baskets, another one is overflowing. It's like this vicious cycle that I can't escape. It's a constant battle, scrubbing white jerseys and baseball pants with a toothbrush. And Bianca hasn't met a meatball she doesn't LOVE, so you can just imagine how each of those meals end; more toothbrush scrubbing. I should buy stock in Shout stain remover. And then there's putting it all away. I mean, I can collect the laundry. I can wash the laundry. I can dry the laundry. I can remove the laundry. And I can even fold the laundry. But I can't, for the life of me, put the laundry away. If you've been to my house, you've seen the "laundry chair." Yep. You know the one. It's only cleared for special occasions and when we have special guests over. Sorry if you didn't make the "special" list.

But, let me tell you about that chair. When that chair is full of laundry, that's when you know our calendar is full too. I'm cooking on Mondays, and settling in for a full night of homework. We're running to Jasper's piano lessons on Tuesdays. Sam's showing off his latest Fiesta Club project on Wednesdays. And let's not forget tutoring twice a week. As the weekend approaches, we put our heads down and plow through school meetings, piano practice, whatever else I signed us up for that week, along with any other tasks that stop me from getting to the huge mound of clothes taking over that chair. We're lucky if we have no plans on Friday night because it allows me to get a few loads done. But unfortunately, that just means more laundry for the chair because come the weekend, that's when the real fun starts.

Sometime between Child 2 and 3, I pulled out my white flag and started frantically waving it. I surrendered to the idea of a clean house. I gave up on keeping things intact and neat. I was sad about it first. Because I really enjoy having people over and it's embarrassing to have people over to a messy house. But I got past it. Because I realized it was more important to play with my kids and make memories with them while they're young. So that's what we did. I still apologize profusely for the mess. But friends understand. Some even start folding! And now, depending on the season, our weekends are filled with whatever events are coming up around us. How lucky are we, to live in a community and city that allow us to make the most of life every single weekend?

I'm like most moms--I worry. I worry about their future. I worry about how I discipline them and if I'm doing it right. I worry about Jasper's ADHD and if I'm doing everything right to ensure that he succeeds in school. I worry about all three, whether they'll become the good, responsible individuals that I want them to become. But what I don't worry about, and what I really think I have a handle on is whether they're enjoying their childhood. Some days, I let them order Coke. And some days, I give them an extra piece of candy in their lunch kits. I let them talk to me in church even when we're supposed to be quiet and praying. I let them stay up too late sometimes. I let them shoot their Nerf guns in the house. If Sam wants to wear his ninja turtle costume to Christmas lunch, I let him. And if Jasper wants to parade around the house in front of our guests like Steve Urkel, I let him. Sometimes I video it. And as mad as I get when they don't listen or they break something, after timeout is over, I bring them back in for a kiss and tell them I love them.

So where did I leave off? Oh yes, Fall and Football. Ha. The chair doesn't stand a chance during football and Halloween seasons... We tailgated for almost every home game. The heat was brutal, but we loved every minute of our time in Baton Rouge. The boys went to their first LSU home game in Tiger Stadium on September 8th. We beat Southeastern 31-0. Daddy, Jasper and Chris got to storm the field when LSU beat Georgia on October 13th, 36-16. Our favorite St. Francis friends joined us in BR for the Bama game in November. Luckily, Tracey and I left early with the kids and didn't have to partake in the misery of watching Bama beat LSU. Again. By the way, the refs were terrible this year. Ask anybody except a Bama fan. Then there was the Rice game. If you went to the Rice game, clearly, you were there to see the band. The Tigerband turned "125" years old in 2018, and in honor and celebration of the famous Golden Band from Tigerland, LSU Bands went all out in making a fantastic "reunion experience" for its former band members. I finally got Laura to come down from South Carolina, and we spent the entire weekend together. We watched the current band perform Tigerama in the Union Theatre, just like the good ole days. We participated in Saturday morning practice, had lunch with old baritone friends, and we even got to lead the band in the march down the hill. There were almost 1,000 current and former Tigerband members on the field, including yours truly! What a wonderful weekend. I was so lucky to be a part of the LSU band. I hope that my kids have something in their lives that they can connect to and feel a part of--for life. It was a nostalgic and happy weekend seeing so many old friends and being back on that field. But Jesus, I was so sore that Sunday. Old age is no joke y'all. I think the baritone horns got heavier too.

Jasper and Sam's first LSU home game 9/8/18

 The boys storm the field after #13 LSU beat #2 Georgia!

Alumni Band Reunion Weekend

I have to backtrack a bit, but it's worth it because Halloween was awesome. Jeremy had us watching scary movies every night throughout the entire month of October. Sam is still walking around the house two months later talking about Michael Myers. I tried not to watch, but I set up my sewing table in the middle of the living room, so I now consider myself a "Halloween" expert.

OK, back to costuming. Our family theme was villains. It started with Jasper wanting to be Pennywise. I figured Bianca would make an adorable Chucky, especially with a bloody kitchen knife as her accessory. She started walking on October 26th by the way! We coaxed Sam into being the Joker by buying that flower that squirts water and letting him use it on Jasper. I bought a robe, a curly brown wig, and carried a wire hanger around. I was Mommy Dearest, "the hanger scene." I bought Jeremy an orange jumpsuit, straight jacket and the Hannibal mask, and that made up our spectacular group of "classic villains."  I have to admit, I took the easy route and bought more than I made this year. But we looked sharp, and as usual, we took home a few costume awards, which the boys were excited about. Yes, I realize I'm bragging, but seriously, we looked really great.

All Saints Day was rough on the boys. We couldn't get all their black eye make-up off from the night before and Daddy let them stay up watching Halloween, again. But they showed up to school, doing their best to portray St. Peter. I don't know how they're going to make it on Ash Wednesday.

Two St. Peters on All Saints Day 11/1/18

November. I honestly have no idea where the hell that month went. Between the chaos of homework, activities, our football weekends, squeezing in family photos (for a 2nd time because the first round was a disaster) and me planning for the school's first annual holiday market, the next thing I knew we were off for Thanksgiving. But it was a holiday, so of course that flew by too. But on November 27th, now that day, that day I remember. Our Sam turned five years old. We baked and decorated homemade cookies for his class and had dinner with the family at Mark Twain's. Granny got him a giant Nerf blaster. Jeremy and I bought him a talking robot, which Jasper keeps stealing from him. A week later, we celebrated his birthday at City Park. He loves the dragon slide. I was sick with the stomach bug and barely able to stand, but it looked like everyone else had a great time at the party. And our new five-year-old was happy as could be!

2018 Family pictures: Thanks to Audrey for making them great!

Christmas was nice this year. Once the school's holiday market was behind us, I had time to wind down, and I enjoyed not having something to do every waking minute. I even got some laundry put away. Don't get your hopes up--it's completely full again. The boys and I did some much needed cleaning in the toy room. We made crafts, played Jenga, built and ate a gingerbread house, and watched movies together as a family. Does Gremlins count as a Christmas movie? All "three" boys played "king of the bed" and there was only one incident involving a bloody lip. It was Daddy's fault. We hosted a few friends for dinner. And we actually laid on the couch a bit. It was glorious. I finally removed my sewing machines and table from the living room. Although, I don't know why because Mardi Gras is right around the corner, and I have big plans.

St. Francis Xavier Christmas Concert 12/12/18

Our annual visit to the Roosevelt 12/21/18

Christmas Eve 2018

Christmas Day 2018

The weekend is approaching. It's our last weekend before school starts back up so I hope to clear off the chair by Sunday night. But truth be told, the laundry-covered-chair doesn't bother me all that much. I have no plans to make clearing that chair a New Years resolution. My focus will be on family--keeping those boys out of trouble, keeping Jasper on the Gold Honor Roll, stopping to give extra hugs to Sam when we both need them, teaching Bianca to eat more of her food and wear it less, teaching all three to love music (we got a piano for Christmas), and having fun whenever the opportunity presents itself. Best wishes to our family and friends for a happy, healthy and memorable 2019. Let's make it great!

And don't forget, Mardi Gras is next.