Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Big... and getting bigger!

Here's a photo of me from less than a week ago, at exactly six months. I'll be at 25 weeks this Thursday. And I can't imagine getting any bigger than I already am! Jeremy and I went "baby registering" and I have to say that it was not nearly as fun as registering for the wedding! We have absolutely no idea what we're doing and the trip to BabiesRUs consisted of Jeremy scanning whatever he thought looked like fun, including one of those cups that stops boys from peeing all over the place. It said "Tinkle, Tinkle Little Star"... How appropriate. Oh, and it's official. I am now waddling. I can't believe I have three more months of this!

We're slowly starting to prepare the nursery, and we are very excited for the furniture to come in. Bambino is about 1.25 lbs. and can now touch his/her feet and make a fist. I can't wait to see what he/she will look like! Unfortunately, whether he/she takes after Mom or Dad, I think our little bambino is doomed to have a really big butt!

1 comment:

Lakeview Living said...


WARNING - Objects in Photo are Smaller than they Appear