Friday, March 20, 2020

This is 10 years.

Today is your mom and dad's ten year anniversary. Ten years is kind of a big deal. The me ten years ago envisioned a special trip to a fancy resort. Or maybe a big party with all of our family and friends. At the very least, a nice night together, just the two of us that would've included a pricey dinner. I never could've imagined this.

The reality of 10 years during a pandemic is this. We're working to keep you on the best schedule that we know how so that you can at least become accustomed to a new normal. That includes putting your granny and your aunts at risk so that we can go to work and provide for you, and also be there for our employers and clients. Because of the types of jobs we have, our planned schedule for you pretty much fell apart by Day 3 due to the overtime we're both having to put in. We're grateful for the extra work, but it takes time away from the time we planned to spend with you. The worry and downright fear of homeschooling and especially falling behind on homeschooling is eating me up inside. Jasper, you're already worried and tearing up over being behind in school. Sam, you're upset because you don't get to show off your new Mario lunch kit to all your friends. Your concerns, both big and small matter to us.

Jeremy, I'm sad we can't have the celebration we so greatly deserve. I'm disappointed that we can't enjoy our day, our special life accomplishment. But I'm also thankful that one thing we don't have to worry about is us. I love you and I love our life together. Thank you for working so hard for our family.

I'm trying to keep it together. I even contacted our priest for help. He reminded me to stop and let go of the things I can't control. I have a reputation for taking control so you can imagine my struggles. But my faith reminds me that after this is over, we, as a whole will be fine. I believe in God's plan, no matter the outcome. I should also be thankful for what I have and not feeling sorry for myself because I don't get to do the things I wanted to do this month. With that, I should give myself grace though, for when I am feeling sorry for myself. Jasper, Sam and Bianca, I hope that as you grow, you're reminded every now and then, that it's not all about you. There's a bigger picture, and you should do your part and do what's right. Help others around you. Keep perspective. Be responsible. Pay your taxes too.

As for "COVID-19" anniversary plans, we will most likely be ordering take-out from somewhere. It won't be the Commander's meal we were looking forward to; although, strangely enough, commander's take-out was an option. I am contently looking forward to it being just the five of us, most likely piled in our bed watching Frozen for the millionth time.

1 comment:

Smooches Gooches said...

Brigette, you are ______ (fill in the blank with countless positive things). My prayer for you is one just like I have for myself. God give us to have the ability to let go and let You do what it is that You do without us trying to control the outcome. Let You shine through us. You are all we need. Love you bunches, Jen. And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ❣️