Thursday, April 28, 2011

April, what a great month!

I'm just passed 6 and 1/2 months. I'll be 27 weeks this Thursday. Here's a quick baby update... Bambino can now hear, and reacts to sounds and light. He/she weighs almost 2 lbs. and his/her eyes have almost fully formed. The brain is very active and he/she is approximately 14 and 1/2 in. long.

Odds are not in my favor for a girl. The last five girls at work have all had, or are having girls! And my cousin Drea is having a girl too! Deep down, "I guess" it doesn't matter. Last Thursday, I took my gestational diabetes test and it went well. No diabetes for me! We also had another ultrasound. Last month, the ultrasound doctor asked us to come back in six weeks so that he could take a closer look at the chambers of the heart. It's amazing what they can see from that ultrasound! This time around, we brought Dad with us. We told him to look away, but he didn't. It's OK though because I don't think he knew what he was looking at anyway. The baby kicked so much, we couldn't get any pictures of the feet. But we did get a profile. And since I told Mom she couldn't put any more uterus pictures on facebook, here's one on my blog just for her. So, enjoy Mom!!

We've been celebrating birthdays like crazy this month. First, we had mom's birthday. Then, we surprised Jeremy with a fiesta. And for my birthday, we had a BBQ at mom's. Carol and Debbie took us to Impastato's, then Mom took us to Galatoire's. I can't wait to get on the scale next month! **Sarcasm** Anyway, it's been a fun and relaxing month with family and friends. Here are some pictures from the fiesta, along with one from our dinner at Galatoire's. The months are just flying by...

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Thanks for the update! When I was pregnant with all my children I played a lullabye tape for them and put it next to my stomach. It was amazing how it calmed them after they were born, I would play it for them.

Enjoy your pregnancy, it goes by so fast !! Before you know it the baby will be here and you will have many sleepless nights but that just lasts a few months OR a few years if you have a "Chad" ! Let's hope not!

I still say you are having a GIRL !!!
Love you all !!!