Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Keeping the crib warm"

The furniture is in. The curtains are up. And Callie is ready to give plenty of kisses to her new brother or sister! Thanks to Mom for the furniture, and to Dad for putting it all together before we got home from work.

I'll be 29 weeks along, which is 7 months and one week. Last night at the grocery store, the cashier asked me how far along I was and when I told her, her response was, "I don't know, you're awfully big! Are you sure you're not further along?" Really?!? So nice of her, don't you think?? The amazingly rude things people say...

Anyway, bambino is doing plenty of kicking. He/she does a great job of keeping me up at night between all the movement and back pain. And when it's not baby, it's usually Jeremy's snoring! Hahaha! Baby is about 2.5 lbs. and approximately 16 inches tall. We're not going to discuss what I'm weighing in at these days. Oh, and the mood swings are definitely in play. I've cried at work twice, pouted on several occasions and the turrets in the car is at an all time high. But no worries, just keeping Jeremy on his toes. He's a good sport. And he's going to be a fantastic dad.

Hope you're all doing well and that you're having a nice, cool May!

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