Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Back from St. Louis

We just got back from a 3-day trip to St. Louis visiting with the Dahl's. It was a great trip. We ate way too much as usual, took a few naps, and did some sight-seeing. But the best part was spending time with Brandon, Stephanie, Owen and of course, Cleo. They were wonderful hosts and it was so cool seeing how much Owen had changed in only 6 months! Here are some photos from the trip. We toured Grant's Farm, stopped to take a picture in front of the arches, and visited with the Dahl family for Memorial Day. Most of the photos are from the farm. Oh and the one with some weird guy hugging Cleo, that's Jeremy telling her goodbye. He's REALLY going to miss her...

So I'll be 31 weeks preggo this week, almost 8 months, and BIGGER than EVER! I got another, "Is it twins?" on our way home from St. Louis. Awesome. I'm really thinking about just kicking rude people in the shins for fun.

So here are some fun bambino facts: baby is around 3.3 lbs. and approximately 16 inches long. He/she is constantly kicking and moving around. Here's a little bit too much information... I read that this is around when the baby's head turns downward. That would make sense considering the weird kicks I've been getting at the top of my belly. I've also read that the baby is starting to plump up. Ha, baby isn't the only one "plumping up." Let's just say that getting all this weight off is not going to be nearly as fun as it was putting it on! I'll miss those fried shrimp poboys, pulled pork sandwiches, cheeseburgers, and don't even say the "S" word... SNOBALLS!!!

We had quite a few appointments last week. The first was to discuss the logistics, the second a regular check-up, and the third was a visit with the anesthesiologist, a.k.a. my future best friend. It's all becoming more and more real. Baby is doing well. Heart rate was at 140 and my blood pressure was normal. The anesthesiologist informed me that once I get my epidural, I get my own little button. Feel a little pain, press the button, feel more pain, press the button. Works for me. This labor/delivery stuff should all be a piece of cake, right?! Mmm, cake!!

Thanks for reading. Have a great week!

1 comment:

New Orleans Lady said...

I love the blog! I'm inspired to get mine up and running again--it's been a while, and I really don't want to forget stuff about the girls because I didn't take the time to write it down!!

Also, I am jealous of your ability to pump your pain meds up yourself! I didn't have that, and I would have REALLY liked that!

And forget those stupid people and their REALLY stupid comments. You might surprise yourself with how fast a lot of that baby weight comes off!