Saturday, June 4, 2011

An "outside" baby shower in JUNE?!

Today, we celebrated Christina at her baby shower. Not sure who had the "fun" idea to have a baby shower outside, in June, in New Orleans... did I mention OUTSIDE!? But Christina looked wonderful, as you can see, and Baby Grandt received some really nice gifts. (Christina is about 5 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy.)

But damn, it was freaking hott!! Forget the "pregnancy glow." I sweat so much today in that sun that even bambino was asking for a snoball as we drove home. (FYI, his/her favorite flavor is nectar cream too!) Thanks to Mom for coming and sweating it out with me. She's always such good company.

I got into my truck on the way home, and the temperature was 101 degrees! Gotta love Summer in New Orleans. Just think, I've got two more months of being preggo (getting bigger by the second) and it's only going to get hotter! We spent Friday night at Mom's in the pool til 11:30 p.m., which was such a relief. I'd be OK with just living in that pool for the next two months, pruned up fingers and all!

Well, enjoy the pictures from Christina's Shower. And if we're not home, we'll either be poolside, or at the snoball stand of course!

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