Thursday, June 23, 2011

Favorite photos from Baby Starr's shower and a quick update

Well, the shower was a HUGE success! Bambino received soooo many nice gifts! We're very appreciative of our family and friends, and it's great knowing how much Baby Starr is ALREADY loved. Here are some favorite photos from the shower. I hope you enjoy them!

No, we're not having twins! Since we don't know the sex of little bambino, "Grammy & PawPaw Starr" were nice enough to buy us TWO LSU outfits. Our kid is definitely coming home in purple and gold! Can I get a GEAUX TIGERS!?! Bambino will arrive just in time for the 2011 season. I think Jeremy planned it that way...

Speaking of LSU, I just love how Makenzie is sporting this "LSU" bib. FYI, Makenzie is my best friend, Kira's daughter, and my godchild. AND Kira and Dusty hate LSU. Yes, hate is a strong word, but that's pretty much how they feel. But look how excited Makenzie looks in this adorable "purple & gold" bib. No worries, I have another 16 years to convince her to go to LSU. I got this!

I just love these pictures of the Munstereifel girls. This is Dad's side of the family and I had to post this great picture of Mary. Yvette, Adelina and Chrissie are on the left. So glad to see them. It's been too long.

Don't worry, Christina and I didn't actually wear the same dress to my shower, but we were about to. We were talking a few days before the shower and I mentioned how I finally got a new dress from the maternity store. Thank God I started describing it! It was the same dress she planned to wear. So instead of wearing it to the shower, she brought it along with her and put it on after so we could take a picture together. Christina is expecting to deliver any day now. It's amazing how fast time flies. I feel like Jeremy and I just told family we were expecting a few months ago! And here I am at 34 weeks today!

So right after the shower, it was like, "Everyone get in line to touch the belly!" It's a good thing that I got over that whole "I'm not letting anybody touch my belly" attitude. I'm still not over people telling me how big I am though... As if I don't know. I mean, I literally ROLL out of bed three times a night to use the bathroom and Jeremy has to be my "crane" and pull me out of bed every morning. It's a good thing I don't have self esteem issues. LOL.

Here's another picture of Jeremy and I at the shower opening up more gifts. How appropriate was Brittany and Kevin's gift, "Star of Mommy's blog." Too cute. I couldn't help but put this one in. I also love Kira's face in the background.

Mr. Mike, this picture is for you! Here's my father-in-law and I comparing bellies. I FINALLY have him beat! LOL! He keeps telling me that it's not fair, I'm going to lose mine a lot faster then he'll lose his. Thanks for being a good sport Mr. Mike.

And finally, a picture of Jeremy and I with our hostesses (minus Carol and Debbie). Special thanks to all of you, especially Tristi, Kira and Jessica. We really appreciate your efforts to make our shower so nice and we're so thankful to have you in our lives. You're very important to us and we can't wait for Baby Starr to meet Aunt Tristi, "Nanny" Kira and Aunt Jessica. We love you. And Jess, the cake was AMAZING, in case I haven't already told you!!

Now, for a quick baby update. According to my e-mails from random baby websites, here's what I know... Bambino is about 5 lbs, measuring 18 inches long (It makes sense that I sometimes feel like I have feet moving in my chest!). He/she is roughly the size of a honeydew or bag of sugar. His/her central nervous system and lungs continue to mature. Bambino can recognize and react to songs. Some not-so-pleasant information, he/she urinates about a pint a day. Hey, I thought it was interesting. Brain development is nowhere near complete at birth, however, in the first year, bambino's brain will triple in size and become three-quarters of its adult size. Something else I didn't know!

As you can see, I'm bigger than ever and I still have six more weeks to go! Other than some back pain in the mornings, I'm feeling great. Dad came over on Sunday and spent his Father's Day morning putting together the stroller and pack-n-play. And he loved every minute of it, right Dad?? I washed bambino's clothes last night and put them away. Next is installing the car seat. Once we get the 10 lbs. of Callie hair out the back of the truck, we should be ready to move forward with that!

I hope you're enjoying our blog and the photos from the shower, and thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

33 weeks and counting...

With the baby shower just days away, we've already received some awesome gifts from friends and family, including these fun New Orleans onesies. Dad and Cindy surprised us with the changing table Saturday night. It was already assembled too, which Jeremy appreciates! Jeremy will be with me on Saturday and we're really looking forward to seeing everyone.

Here's the baby update... Bambino is weighing in at approximately 4.5 lbs (about as heavy as a pineapple) and is about 17 inches long. And I just loved this comment from the website I use... Baby is "rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his/her skeleton is hardening." Well that's good to know! We certainly don't want little bambino coming out looking like an alien!!

We visited the doctor on Monday and while we were waiting, something weird happened. I'm laying on the hospital bed and I look down to see the right side of my belly LITERALLY raised about 2 inches higher than my left side. I guess baby was just stretching, but man, did that look creepy!?! Even Jeremy was a little weirded out. Ha, just wait til the birth!

At our visit, we also decided, well, I decided that we would no longer look at the scale. It's just too depressing. So I got on the scale as usual, and made Jeremy look away. As soon as the doctor walks in, she says, looking good, gained 2 more lbs! Ugh, I wanted to ring her neck!

Well, that's about all of the updates I have for now. Only seven weeks to go! Hope everyone has a nice week and we're very excited to see all of the ladies at Baby Starr's shower!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

An "outside" baby shower in JUNE?!

Today, we celebrated Christina at her baby shower. Not sure who had the "fun" idea to have a baby shower outside, in June, in New Orleans... did I mention OUTSIDE!? But Christina looked wonderful, as you can see, and Baby Grandt received some really nice gifts. (Christina is about 5 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy.)

But damn, it was freaking hott!! Forget the "pregnancy glow." I sweat so much today in that sun that even bambino was asking for a snoball as we drove home. (FYI, his/her favorite flavor is nectar cream too!) Thanks to Mom for coming and sweating it out with me. She's always such good company.

I got into my truck on the way home, and the temperature was 101 degrees! Gotta love Summer in New Orleans. Just think, I've got two more months of being preggo (getting bigger by the second) and it's only going to get hotter! We spent Friday night at Mom's in the pool til 11:30 p.m., which was such a relief. I'd be OK with just living in that pool for the next two months, pruned up fingers and all!

Well, enjoy the pictures from Christina's Shower. And if we're not home, we'll either be poolside, or at the snoball stand of course!