Thursday, July 7, 2011

36 weeks and as ready as we can be!

Baby's room is complete! (Special thanks to Dad) ... Well, except for Baby. We've got about four weeks left til my due date and boy, are we ready! Baby Starr is weighing in at around 6 lbs. and is about 19 inches long, according to the baby websites I follow. His/her job is to basically plump up til delivery from here on out. If he/she is anything like Mom or Dad, that should come very naturally.

Little bambino is constantly kicking; in fact, my belly is sore. I've been feeling at least one Braxton Hicks contraction every day or so, and I think he/she has "dropped" into position. (BH contractions are kind of like fake contractions and I hear they feel a little bit different than regular contractions.) It's hard to believe he/she will be full term next week! Where has the time gone? I feel like we were just telling you all only a few months ago! Poor Callie... she still has no idea what she's in for. She already thinks that Bambino's toys are hers, especially the squeaky ones!

My company gave me a very nice baby shower yesterday. There's actually two of us pregnant, so it was a twofer! The other girl is due two weeks before me and wouldn't you know she went into labor early this morning?! Good thing they had the shower for both of us yesterday! We received plenty of diapers and wipes, along with some fun toys, which was really great. But, man, I'm seriously ready for it to be my turn. Oh! And Christina had her baby last week! Garret Nicholas Grandt was born June 28th, weighing 8 lbs. and 1 oz., and he measured 22 inches in length. He's beautiful!

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. From this point on, we'll be going every week, and she'll check to see if I'm dilated. Pretty exciting stuff! I'm definitely ready for it to be my turn. And I know Jeremy is ready too. Last night, I dropped the remote control on the floor just as he was falling asleep. I cursed out loud knowing there was no way I'd be able to pick it up. Can you believe, he got right up, walked over to my side of the bed, picked it up and handed it to me without me even asking? And trust me, I have plenty more stories like that... In fact, I never realized how often I drop things until now...

Y'all have a great weekend! Not too much longer!

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