Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The waiting game

Well folks, I'm 1.5 centimeters dilated! Keep in mind that this could mean absolutely nothing. I could still go another 3 weeks. But at least I have a fun update for our blog, right?! Also, not to get too graphic, but the doctor did a procedure to try and start moving things along "down there." We'll see if it helped. So, at 38 weeks, Baby Starr weighs a little over 6.5 lbs, and is still approximately 20 inches long.

He/she now has a firm hand grasp and his/her organs have matured. My e-mail updates are getting pretty boring. This week, there's just not much to say, other than it's a waiting game from here on out!

Mom came over and took a few pictures of our "current" family before little Bambino arrives. Here are some favorites...

I got another "Is it twins?" last weekend... Hopefully, the rude and goofy comments will all come to an end soon. Just wait, I'm sure I'll get a "How far along are you?" AFTER the baby is born, which will really tick me off. I forget how big I am sometimes. Baby is still kicking plenty even though there's hardly any room left! As for being ready, I think we're as prepared as we can be at this point, but it still hasn't kicked in that we're going to be parents. And poor Callie... still clueless.

Thanks for reading as always. We can't wait to put up ACTUAL pictures of our little pumpkin! Love y'all!

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