Thursday, July 14, 2011

37 weeks down, 3 weeks to go!

I'm officially full term!

According to "," Bambino is the size of a watermelon! He/she is approximately 6.5 lbs and gaining about a half ounce a day. Baby can blink, suck, inhale, exhale and grip, pretty much everything that a newborn can, minus breathing and pooping. He/she is about 20 inches in length.

We visited the doctor yesterday and everything is still normal; no dilation or effacement yet. And if Baby is anything like the Starr's, you can bet that I'll go a week past my due date, haha! Baby's heart rate is usually in the 140's. Good news... I lost a whole pound this week! We've packed "the bag" for the hospital and the car seat is installed. Callie still has no clue about what's happening. But she'll know soon enough!

Aside from the regular back pain, constant pee pee visits and lack of sleep these symptoms are causing, I've been feeling OK. Waddling is now unavoidable and bending down is virtually impossible. I have an almost non-existent wardrobe and it's getting harder and harder to paint my toe nails. But as they say, "It will all be worth it!"

Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a nice, cool weekend! Oh, and keep sending those "girl vibes" our way!!

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